Victorinox Trademark Protection Policy

Victorinox AG, with its headquarters in Ibach-Schwyz, Switzerland, and its subsidiaries (jointly referred to as “Victorinox”) are the owners, inter alia, of the following protected trademarks: Victorinox, Swiss Army, Swissgear, Wenger (and further combinations thereof).

Victorinox protects and defends these trademarks  rigorously and globally. Victorinox will only tolerate the use of its trademarks within the scope of the law, as contractually agreed or in accordance with this Trademark Protection Policy. Victorinox reserves the right to contractually agree with an authorised person (e.g. dealers, resellers or other third parties) more specific, more extensive or different provisions.

1. Use of protected trademarks, images, texts and other content

1.1 Victorinox’s protected trademarks may be used in advertisements, search engines or social media only within the scope of permitted third-party use and in accordance with the guidelines of the respective intermediaries.

1.2 Victorinox does not permit the use of its protected trademarks as part of a domain (second-level domains in the online presence (e.g., unless otherwise agreed in writing in advance. The same applies to designations which directly or indirectly refer to Victorinox or its trademarks, whether by abbreviations, derivations or the like (e.g. vx, vic, myvic, vic-wen, etc.). In contrast, the use of Victorinox‘s protected trademarks in an IP address to name sub-pages (e.g. is permitted.

1.3 In the event of an unauthorised registration of a domain with Victorinox’s protected trademarks, third parties are required to link their previous website to an alternative domain in accordance with clause 1.2 and to transfer the unauthorised registered domain to Victorinox immediately. In order to initiate the transfer, please contact Victorinox at in order to commence the appropriate steps.

1.4 Authorised third parties may only use logos provided by Victorinox. The logos may not be modified in any way or integrated into other graphic elements or vice versa.

1.5 Victorinox’s protected trademarks and designs may not be used, in particular, on third-party websites in such a way that a potential customer may be left with the misleading impression that the website is operated by Victorinox. This must be ensured by using appropriate design and labelling on third-party websites. In particular, the placement of the Victorinox logo in the top left-hand corner of a website is expressly prohibited.

1.6 The design and content of websites operated by Victorinox or its affiliated companies are protected by copyright. This applies, in particular, to product imagery and descriptions of products, texts and other content included on Victorinox websites. Accordingly, it is prohibited to adopt, edit or otherwise use any designs and content without written permission from Victorinox.

1.7 Permission to use product imagery and descriptions of products, texts and other content of Victorinox is granted to authorised persons through a media center operated by Victorinox. The content provided through this media center, in particular any product imagery, may not be modified in any way.

2. Product modification and warranty

2.1 Third parties may not customise any Victorinox products with designs to be market that have not been formally approved by Victorinox in advance in writing (the only exception being blade and scale engravings). This does not apply to authorised persons with whom an arrangement for product modification for the purpose of customisation in compliance with mandatory requirements has been contractually agreed.

2.2 Victorinox reserves the right to refuse any guarantees or warranties for any modified products. The authorised persons must expressly make end buyers aware of this fact.

2.3 Victorinox further reserves the right to have recourse against the responsible persons in the event of claims for damages due to modified products.

This Policy takes effect on 1 October 2016 and may be supplemented or modified by Victorinox at any time. All modifications and supplements are at the sole discretion of Victorinox. Additional conditions/policies may apply in certain countries and/or for certain Victorinox product categories.

For answers to any questions about the Victorinox Trademark Protection Policy , please email

Last updated: May 17, 2023